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VASER Liposuction

Looking for a safe, effective, and accurate surgical fat removal treatment? The VASER body sculpting device uses third-generation ultrasound technology to penetrate through fat across targeted areas of the body

Dr Samir Al-Ali is a very experienced Plastic Surgeon with more than 35 years of experience in all fields of Plastic Surgery. He will be able to give you the desired results under local anaesthetic with minimal downtime.

Procedure time

2-3 hours

Return to work

3-14 days depending on your work

Visible results



£3000 - £5000

Why Choose Us?

VASER Liposuction

About VASER Liposuction Treatment in London

Looking for a safe, effective, and accurate surgical fat removal treatment? The VASER body sculpting device uses third-generation ultrasound technology to penetrate through fat across targeted areas of the body, which is then removed via suction energy through the tiny incisions created by your surgeon. This state-of-the-art treatment allows your surgeon to work intricately, making for a predicable treatment outcome.


Advantages of VASER Lipo include the fact the fat is still alive. This means there is no risk of burning, as there is with laser-based treatment. This also allows Dr Samir to inject the fat into other areas of the body for the benefit of aesthetic, augmenting and contouring specific sites.  


The VASER Lipo process melts the fat substance, resulting in a smooth and even outcome across all treated areas.


Introduction to VASER Liposuction

Procedure time: 2-3 hours

Downtime: minimal

Return to work: 3 days if non strenuous work. 14 + days for strenuous work

Price: Starting from £3000


Treatment areas
  • Stomach.

  • Love handles

  • Male breasts

  • Waist.

  • Thighs.

  • Hips.

  • Double chin

  • Arms.


The Process

VASER is carried out with the aid of local anaesthetic, and patients also have the option of conscious sedation. Your surgeon will make a keyhole incision at the site of the area being treated. A thin metallic tube is used to pulsate at ultrasound frequencies, which dislodges the fat cells present. Once they are broken down, they are removed from the body using suction energy.



The Outcome

VASER Liposuction produces predictable results, and recovery time is relatively short. Many patients will notice immediate improvements to their overall body shape and contour, though it can take several days to see the full effects of treatment. VASER Lipo is less invasive than traditional liposuction, and whilst you may not be able to engage in intensive weight bearing exercise for a couple of weeks, you should be able to return to work within a matter of days.






Will I have sagging skin following VASER Lipo?

No. VASER Lipo retracts the skin, minimising the risk of droopy excess skin following liposuction. Your skin will look naturally even-textured.


How much is VASER Liposuction?

VASER Liposuction in London at our clinic is priced between (£3000 and £5000).


We are happy to provide a no-obligation quote tailored to your needs once you have attended a consultation with Dr Samir. We will always be completely transparent with you regarding costs. There are no hidden or extra costs once the quote has been provided – your quote encompasses everything, including aftercare as we believe in giving our patients the most streamlined and positive treatment journey possible.


Is VASER Liposuction safe?

VASER Liposuction is safe when performed by a highly-credentialed plastic surgeon, such as Dr Samir, whose clinic meets the strict safety standards set by the CQC (Care Quality Commission). 


Will VASER Liposuction help me lose weight?

VASER Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. It is a body shaping procedure that can target stubborn fat deposits, with a view to body shaping. Treatment can also aid with cellulite reduction. The ideal candidate for VASER Liposuction is someone who is struggling to lose stubborn areas of fat that do not seem to respond to exercise and dieting. We do not recommend treatment to patient who are expecting to lose a significant proportion of their bodyweight.


How much fat will be removed?

The safe amount of fat removal using the VASER Lipo method is three litres.


Are there any side effects of having VASER Liposuction?

Tightness, swelling, and aching are all common symptoms in the days after your VASER Liposuction treatment in London. The treated area may also exhibit bruising. Severe side effects are rare. If you feel something isn’t quite right in the days after your treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.





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